ho·lis·tic, adjective: characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole

Applications will be considered in a timely fashion as they are received by the department. Prospective students are encouraged to apply well ahead of the posted deadlines. Applications will be evaluated based on a comprehensive review of the applicants’ academic transcripts, of their scores on standardized tests, of their statement of purpose, and of their three letters of recommendation.

Past success is a useful indicator of future accomplishments and strong command of the English language is a fundamental prerequisite. Hence, transcripts and standardized tests have their place in holistic admission processes as long as they are not employed as automatically applied high-bar filters. The Graduate Recruiting Committee of the S&T Department of Chemistry seeks rather modest scores and they are as follows: 

  • Target GRE scores: Quantitative = 154; Verbal + Quantitative = 300; Analytical Writing = 3.0.
  • Target scores for English language competency: TOEFL = 80; IELTS = 6.5. 

Graduate studies require levels of pro-activity, responsibility, energy, talent and creativity a magnitude above expectations for undergraduate studies. Motivation, persistence, perseverance, diligence, and an altogether embrace of working on new and difficult challenges are desired. Every member of the admissions committee, a faculty group with diverse and international backgrounds, carefully reads the personal statement and the supporting letters in search for indications of such desiderata. Applicants should take great care in their preparation of the personal statement as well as their selection of letter writers who know them well. 

Applicants may review faculty profiles and their research interest on the departmental faculty website. Applicants are encouraged to visit the department to meet faculty and students (travel support is available), and applicants also may contact faculty to inquire about their current research. Newly admitted graduate students are encouraged to explore all of their options before deciding on their research advisor and/or co-advisors. The S&T community is rife of opportunities for interdisciplinary graduate studies and such ambitions are facilitated by world-class centers. 

S&T’s Department of Chemistry dedicates all graduate teaching assistantships as well as all graduate research assistant support exclusively to the support of graduate students in the Ph.D. program and in the M.S.T. (master of science for teachers) program.  Graduate students in the M.S. program are admitted to the M.S. without Thesis program and they are not eligible for graduate assistantships.   

REG and the Graduate Recruiting Committee, Nov. 17, 2020