Welcome to the Department of Chemistry!

Missouri S&T Chemistry Department Programs

Missouri S&T STEM Program

Discovering Chemistry

Welcome to the exciting world of molecules and reactions! Chemistry is called the “central science” because it touches many other scientific disciplines. From a single atom to the entire cosmos, everything is made of chemicals, you included!

Space is Limited! Early registration is recommended. Campers will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis, based upon date of registration and when payment is received. Waiting lists will be maintained and filled in the order that they were received should cancellations occur.

Date: July 7-10, 2025
Eligibility: Ages 14-18
Capacity: 48 students
Registration Fee: $750 (includes all meals, housing and camp materials)

For more information go to Discovering Chemistry – Summer Camps | Missouri S&T

Chem 1310 Prep-Course

This prep-course is designed to help any student in General Chemistry I (Chem 1310) be successful in the course and is now available at no charge. The voluntary, self-paced course introduces chemical concepts and provides you with learning strategies to benefit you throughout your S&T experience. The course is divided into modules that introduce and review key concepts and can be completed asynchronously at your convenience.

 You may receive 2 bonus points for each "badge" earned in the Chem 1310 Prep-Course for a maximum of 10 bonus points towards your final grade in Chem 1310. These bonus points must be earned prior to Friday, September 13.

 Students can self-enroll in this free Chemistry Preparation course using this link: https://umsystem-mst.catalog.instructure.com/courses/chemistry1310prepfs2024 

 Here is a link to step-by-step instruction on self-enrollment https://drive.google.com/file/d/15gH8hQTrShR3bJXvvvk9qIdrnd8NoshQ/view?usp=sharing

Chemistry News